Arran Arts Heritage Trail

Iconic artists

Arran has been the inspiration for many iconic artists over the years. Artists such as Joan Eardley, Hugh Purdie, Mary Armount, William McTaggart and George Edwards Hering all had long established Arran connections.

Twenty key locations have been identified to establish an island wide Arran Arts Heritage Trail. This aims to celebrate and document Arran’s rich cultural arts heritage for current and future generations, and is an amazing and inexhaustible resource.

Twenty hand carved stones, made of reclaimed red Arran sandstone, mark the physical trail, and can be found all across the island. Each stone has a simple number relating to an artist or artists on the Trail map. To find out more you can then click on the trail map locations on the website, which will link to biographies and examples of the relevant artists’s works. There are also directions on how to access these placemarkers

The Trail can be completed in a day, or you can explore the placemarkers numerically or choose to visit each placemarker at a more leisurely pace in any sequential order. The website also allows you to play short films, listen to Arran dialect Gaelic location names, explore articles relating to the arts heritage of the island and generally discover more about the artworks and artists held in this extensive database.

You can also search by artist or medium, or simply browse and enjoy.